Celes Arca Wiki
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Celes Arca has a total of sixteen classes, each with its own strengths, weaknesses, and skills. Classes can be changed by completing special missions once the player is at a sufficient level. Keep note that once a class has been upgraded, it cannot be downgraded, so it is advised to choose wisely.

Novice (Level 1)[]

Screenshot novice


Balanced stats (?)


see Novice class page

Gain Break:[]

Heal Pain (L1) : Restore some HP

Class change:[]

Mission: Class Change Exam

Level requirement: 5 + Story Quest 1.2 Knight Orders

Novice → Fighter, Gunner, or Mage

Fighter (Level 5)[]

Type fighter


High HP and ATK


see Fighter skill list

Gain Break:[]

Power Swipe (L1) : Powerful attack on a single foe.

Class change:[]

Mission: Superior Class Change Examination from Yugue

Level requirement: 65

FighterKnight or Barbarian

Type barbarian male

Barbarian Class

Type knight male

Knight Class

Asobikata kiso class 20m

Vanguarda Class

Asobikata kiso class 19m

Lord Knight Class

Gunner (Level 5)[]

Type gunner


High evasion rate


see Gunner skill list

Gain Break:[]

Heavy Lock On (L1): 4 x 1/3 Regular attack to all enemies with high possibility to inflict Petrify status.

Class change:[]

Mission: Superior Class Change Examination from Yugue

Level requirement: 65

GunnerStriker or Jaegar


Striker Class


Jaegar Class


Dragonar Class


Gunslinger class

Mage (Level 5)[]

Type mage


High MP and MAtk


See Mage skill list

Gain Break:[]

Vanetia (L1) : Hitting all foes with powerful magic.

Class change:[]

Mission: Superior Class Change Examination from Yugue

Level requirement: 65

MageCleric or Magician

Asobikata kiso class 34f

Magician Class

Asobikata kiso class 33f

Cleric Class

Asobikata kiso class 36f

Joker Class

Asobikata kiso class 35f

Grand Sage Class
